Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

A fish 'quadruped' found in the ocean at depths over

A fish 'quadruped' found in the ocean at depths over 500 meters in areas near the waters of Indonesia Sangihe Talaud, reported an overnight akhbar.

Foot fish fins but it's actually during he was in the sea floor, these fins act like legs to compensate for the movement.

Fish images dirakamkan by a robotic vehicle equipped with cameras within a set of scientific projects including the United Sarekat to review the marine life in the deep ocean.

Image of a fish as part dirakamkan jerung marine life such as plants other than red.
READ MORE - A fish 'quadruped' found in the ocean at depths over
READ MORE - A fish 'quadruped' found in the ocean at depths over

Frogs have two twelve foot

This is the Seven Legged Frog and the Five Legged [WOW !!].. Frogs have two twelve foot .. Two Frogs with 12 limb systems .. waaakakakk .. where the really big toad again in size .. hihihihihi .. horror also yaaaa .. he said mutated due to water pollution ..

BEIJING, March 26 - An unidentified woman displays many two-legged frogs in Xuzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province. Toad the left has five legs, while others have seven feet.

A businessman surnamed Zhou seafood found them in the wholesale market on March 20, and said mutant amphibians also are much bigger than normal and their movements appear to be unaffected by the extra leg.

"They can crawl on the ground quickly," he said. Local scientist says he believes the strange frog is the result of gene mutations caused by the severe water pollution in the area.
READ MORE - Frogs have two twelve foot
READ MORE - Frogs have two twelve foot

one unique chicken

There are generally four chicken fingers, but different from this one unique chicken. In Kabupaten Sampang, Madura, East Java, there is a village which has a five fingered chickens and maintained by local residents.

Amazingly, the chickens are known as rooster complaints without equal.

Chicken fingers are found in the hamlet five Kolo, Village What the hell, District Pangarengan, Sampang, Madura. The owners also have a separate community.

At first glance poultry animals are not much different from other chickens. But when considered more closely, looks three fingers stuck to the front and two other fingers grow on the back foot.

According to local residents, in the first five chicken fingers in this village just a tail that is owned Mandud (34). However, these five fingers rooster chicken females mated with another resident's pet. The results breed and owned by other citizens.

Indeed up to now been more than 50 five-legged chickens, both males and females. However, due to attack of bird flu ever breaks out in this place, the number of chicken fingers five further reduced because many of the dead.

Mandud revealed, rooster chicken fingers five commonly used as a complaint without equal alias almost never lose. As a result, residents believe the chicken has powers beyond any other roosters.

Mandud say five chicken fingers are also considered to have mystical power. Therefore, the citizens of the five fingers of chicken owners are reluctant to sell their own chickens.
READ MORE - one unique chicken
READ MORE - one unique chicken

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

phenomenon of birds flying

phenomenon of birds flying
If we lived in the state 4 seasons, then the autumn, will look entourage geese flying south for the winter. The geese are flying in formation shape of the letter "V". We'll look at some scientific facts why geese fly in formation group forms the letter "V"?.

geese that make up the letter v Facts (1):
Swan wings in front, gave the "carrying capacity" for geese in tow. Goose on the back do not need hard-earned through the 'water wall' in front of him. As a result, the entire flock of geese can fly a distance of 71% over much of the if any geese must fly on its own.

Lessons (1):
When the same direction and our goals, and we want to share in the union, then the achievement of our goals will be faster and easier. Can we push each other and mutual support to each other in achieving common goals?. It should be!. Because geese can!

Facts (2):
If a goose flies out of formation the group, he will feel heavy and difficult to fly alone. It quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the goose in front of him.

Lessons (2):
If we have enough common sense, we will remain in union with other partners and managers. We open ourselves to receive and give assistance to and from other partners. It's harder to do something alone than doing it together in a union that will be ours together.

Fact (3):
When geese fly in front of leaders who became tired, she flew around to the back of the formation, and the other geese will fly into his shoes.

Lessons (3):
It is sensible to perform tasks that are difficult and demanding turns and sharing leadership. We believe the potential for all partners. But, people are interdependent on one another in knowledge, skills, willingness, capacity and other unique gifts and talents or other resources.

Fact (4):
Geese flying in formation out-loud low voice from behind to encourage geese to fly in front so that the flying speed can be maintained.

Lessons (4):
We must ensure that our words will give the support strength, not weaken. All the partners in the union would strengthen each other, so that the results achieved will be greater. Support in a whole heart based on noble values ​​are sound quality and speech that is expected to partner jointly by all partners in the union.

Facts (5):
When a goose becomes ill, injured, or shot down, two other geese will drop out of formation with that goose and follow it down to help and protect. They stayed with swan who fell and tried to push for Facebook to fly again, not to death. After that they will fly with the power of their own or with another formation to catch their entourage.

Lesson (5):
If we were feeling like a goose, we will live with partners who are in trouble, like when everything good, and trying to push for to bounce back.
READ MORE - phenomenon of birds flying
READ MORE - phenomenon of birds flying

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Tsunami-altitude 3 meters back toward the coast in northeastern Japan and is ready to threaten at any time

Tokyo - The death toll from a magnitude 8.9 quake was followed by the great tsunami in Japan continues to grow. It is estimated, more than 1,000 people died in this natural disaster.

As quoted by Reuters from the Japanese news agency, Kyodo, now there are many tsunami victims are still missing.

Official data released by Japanese police, while the death toll reached 133 people, 530 missing and 722 injured.

While the data obtained by AFP says, at least 310 people dead, 350 missing and 544 people injured.

Earthquake measuring 8.9 magnitude that occurred in the northeast of Japan this afternoon turned out to cause a tsunami. In photos obtained directly from the video recordings of this Japanese NHK television station apparent boats, cars and even trucks tsunami waves swept away swept away by the swift.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan ensure that no nuclear leakage from a nuclear reactor after the earthquake and tsunam. However, all reactors are near the epicenter to temporarily shut down for security.

"I ask all citizens to calm down, but still continue to monitor the information via radio and television," said Naoto Kan as reported by the AFP news agency.

Although there are no leaks, the government declared a state of emergency at one nuclear reactor in Fukushima. Reactor number one is experiencing some technical difficulties so the cooling system does not function after an earthquake. This is a nuclear emergency decision for the first time the Japanese.

"We have taken steps to anticipate the worst. We exert every effort to deal with situations like this, "Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary said Yukio Edano.

Fukushima is an area directly adjacent to the most severe disaster affected areas in Miyagi. In Miyagi, a fire occurred in the turbine of a nuclear reactor Onagawa. A nuclear reactor in Onagawa others also experience leakage in water storage facilities.

Tsunami-altitude 3 meters back toward the coast in northeastern Japan and is ready to threaten at any time.

These waves are visible from the helicopter's fire department Fukushima prefecture. These waves are expected to arrive within 15 minutes.

Sea around the province in northeastern Honshu Iawata seen to shrink, a phenomenon that often marks the arrival of large waves.

Meanwhile, an explosion occurred in the reactor back number 3 in the Fukushima nuclear power plant No. 1 and create smoke visible from the building. The blast was reportedly due to hydrogen.

A spokesman Ryo Miyake said, "We believes in it was a hydrogen explosion. Unable to diketakui if the explosion is affecting the existing reactors."

An earthquake in Japan, March 11, 2011 with a strength of 8.9 on the Richter scale represents an earthquake with the greatest power ever happened in the country. The quake also triggered a tsunami with a height of 4 meters and swept thousands of cars and buildings in coastal areas of Japan.

Until now, the police and also the Japanese media said at least 402 people died due to natural disasters and feared more than 1,000 people became victims of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan.

The earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan also have an impact on the precarious situation on nuclear development in Japan. Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, asked 45,000 residents living within a radius of 10 km from the center of nuclear development must immediately leave the area because of fears of radiation leakage from these substances

An explosion occurred in a Japanese-owned nuclear reactor on Saturday, March 12, 2011, this resulted in concern after earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan and killed more than 1,000 people reportedly died and at least 10,000 people still missing.

Existing reactor coolant system at a nuclear reactor in Japan failed to function after an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale accompanied by the tsunami that struck the State. This causes an explosion at a nuclear reactor located in Japan.

As a result of explosion there, some existing workers injured. Smoke also can be seen from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear reactor, located about 250 km northeast of Tokyo and caused the walls and roof of the destroyed nuclear reactor facility. The workers are not injured trying to extinguish the explosion that occurred with sea water to prevent other unwanted things.

Thousands of workers are also being evacuated from the Fukushima No. 2 nuclear reactor which also damaged the cooling system.

The Japanese government itself is also trying to reduce fears of an explosion that exists and said the blast did not occur in the vicinity of existing nuclear reactors and high levels of radiation which originally had subsided after the explosion.

Japan's nuclear safety agency said the explosion which occurred at level 4 of the existing international scale from 0 to 7.

Day Sunday, March 13, 2011, reported back that the cooling system at a nuclear reactor owned by the Japanese back problems. This time the mass Japanese government announced that it will double the number of troops deployed to help the victims.

Reactor cooling systems at nuclear developers No. 3 in Fukushima No nuclear reactor. A rumored re-experiencing the problem.

International Atomic Energy Agency says, up to 200,000 people currently residing in Fukushima No nuclear reactor. No. 1 and Fukushima. 2 has been evacuated. In both places have a total of 10 nuclear reactors.

Japanese government spokesman, Yukio Edano, said that by increasing the number of nuclear reactors in Japan who are in danger status, there is the possibility of 2 of them were destroyed.
READ MORE - Tsunami-altitude 3 meters back toward the coast in northeastern Japan and is ready to threaten at any time
READ MORE - Tsunami-altitude 3 meters back toward the coast in northeastern Japan and is ready to threaten at any time