Senin, 05 November 2012

phenomena occur within 24 hours

Four natural phenomena occur within 24 hours that led to speculation they were related. The first phenomenon, cloud upright during the day in the city of Padang, secondly, an earthquake centered off the coast of Sukabumi at 18:18; Third, the full moon, and fourth, this morning, in the city of Yogyakarta, emerging phenomena like clouds parted.

Are the four connected?

Expert Paleotsunami Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Eko Yulianto, say, the relationship between the earthquake Supermoon still speculative. "There is no pattern that can be used as a benchmark," he told VIVAnews, Monday, June 4, 2012 night.

He recounted, analyzes the influence of the moon and the attraction has long been studied earthquake experts. "Since the 1960's, the USGS has been studying it. Can not find the pattern of relationships with the exact relationship, "he said.

Similarly, the cloud perpendicular suspected earthquake omen, as speculative. "The shape of upright depending on the position of the clouds, and the position of the beholder," he said.

Meanwhile, Research Professor of Astronomy Astrophysics National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN), Thomas Djamaluddin, say, the full moon is not the cause but it could be the trigger earthquakes.

Opinion USGS

Meanwhile, USGS geologist, Bill Burton said, there are a lot of factors that affect the seismic activity. Also, "there are differences of tectonic activity during the different phases of the moon."

Although acknowledged, ocean tides could cause minor effects on tectonic activity, but whether it can cause earthquakes, especially with the tremendous power, remained controversial. "Some small shallow earthquakes may occur when the full moon or the Supermoon." Increased water pressure caused by lunar phases can lead to a very small tremor. "

"There may be little impetus resulting tectonic plates slipped," said Johnston. "However, overall, the effect can be ignored. Unless the conclusions based on the data earthquakes ten thousand, you can show there is a significant relationship between earthquakes and the movement of the moon. But if it is only based on a single earthquake, do not. "

While the matter of the alleged strange clouds presage an earthquake, the USGS website said, in the 4th century BC, Aristotle proposed that earthquakes were caused by winds trapped in caves underground.

The movement of wind that pushed the roof of the cave is believed to cause small earthquakes, while large earthquake rupture caused by the air at ground level. This theory became the basis for the theory of earthquake weather, where it is believed the weather will be hot and calm before the earthquake.

More modern theories linking certain cloud formations as a sign of an earthquake. The idea that most geologists rejected.

Findings in Japan

9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan Friday, March 11, 2011, to inspire scientists to find a disaster early warning system is more accurate. One of the big issues is the true sky signaled before the disaster coming?

As published by the Daily Mail, scientists from the University of Illinois caught a sign associated atmospheric Japanese tsunami form of glowing air (airglow) captured an observatory on the island of Hawaii. The picture is found at an altitude of 250 kilometers above the Earth's surface, about an hour before the giant wave of water hit Japanese waters. Glowing greenish layer of air is found when a combination of molecules separated by sunlight.

The discovery, reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, also confirmed the theory developed in the 1970's. These studies indicate that the tsunami could be observed from the upper atmosphere, but until now could only be demonstrated using radio signals.

This study focuses on the fact that the tsunami generating atmospheric gravity waves speeding across the ocean as the waves. Tsunami waves have the potential to stretch several kilometers into the sky and cause changes that can be imaged due to decreased air density.

University of Illinois team led by Jonathan Makela, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, making the picture. After that, Makela, along with graduate student Thomas Gehrels, joined the team in France and Brazil at the New York University to conduct a detailed analysis of the picture.

Earlier, professor of earth sciences from Chapman University in California, Dimitar Ouzounov, said that there are oddities in the sky Japan before the tsunami. Atmosphere above the epicenter of the earthquake in Japan experienced an unusual change in a few days before the disaster.

His opinion was based on a study of satellite data related to the earthquake that rocked Japan on March 11, 2011: no anomalies atmosphere above the epicenter of the earthquake in Japan a few days before the disaster.

Before the earthquake, the stress fracture will emit more gas, especially radon gas is colorless and odorless. After being in the ionosphere, the radon gas releases air molecules electrons, negatively charged particles separate (free electrons) and positively charged particles. Charged particles are also called ions, then draw water releasing heat in the process. And, scientists can detect this heat in the form of infrared radiation.

Using satellite data, Ouzounov and his colleagues oversee changes in the atmosphere that occurred a few days before the earthquake in Japan. They found that increasing the concentration of electrons in the ionosphere, as well as infrared radiation. On March 8, 2011, three days before the quake, was the most anomalous.

The researchers also collected data on more than 100 earthquakes in Asia and Taiwan. According Ouzounov, they found similar correlations for earthquakes magnitudenya greater than 5.5 on the Richter scale with a depth of less than 50 kilometers. The team is currently trying to engage the Japanese earthquake and experts around the world in an ambitious mission: international atmospheric monitoring as earthquake mitigation efforts.

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