Jumat, 30 September 2011

Merapi Petruk

Photo of Mount Merapi Petruk Cloud Phenomenon New Magic. Strange Clouds Similar incidence figures Puppet Petruk Truly Unique Heat Formed From the Clouds of Mount Merapi (Wedhus Gembel). Does this figure of supernatural guardian of Mount Merapi, a strange phenomenon appeared before the eruption of Mount Merapi on 26 October. Clouds on Mount Merapi forming an image similar to the head Petruk, one of the characters in the puppet world. See also Forecast Natural Disasters New Paranormal Phenomenon Mount Merapi erupts turmoil of the Universe and Magic But True Story of Childhood Can not Laugh and Cry Emotions Can the Dead / Death.

Successfully captured the strange event Suswanto (43), village residents Sudimoro, Pucang Anom, Srumbung District, Magelang, Central Java, with his camera. Petruk cloud-like figure was seen on Tuesday, October 26th at approximately 17:00 pm.

Suswanto told, when it's her by chance out of the house and looked in the direction of Mount Merapi. That's when he saw a cloud-like figure Petruk. "Then I grab a camera and photographed. Initially just for fun, but then the picture is staggering, "he said in Magelang, Monday (11/01/2010).

Mentioned, the cloud on the summit of Merapi that set the pattern Petruk head with long nose and pigtails curled upward. His figure is facing toward the South, namely Yogyakarta. From the front of the house to the peak of Merapi Suswanto approximately 13 kilometers.

For the community at Merapi Slope Petruk figure has its own myth and mystery. They believe Mount Merapi mastered supernatural figure, namely Mbah Petruk. A number of residents who saw the shots Suswanto believe that the picture is similar to figure Petruk, the guardian of Merapi.

They suspect, Petruk show themselves as a sign there will be a big disaster on Mount Merapi. Mbah Sihur, (54) Gaten village residents, village Ketunggeng, Srumbung, said the emergence of cloud-shaped head Petruk belief as a warning to residents around Merapi to go away. "By looking at him that the south has proved a severe hit by the eruption of Merapi is Yogyakarta," he said.

Mbah Mbah Petruk Sihur believe dwells in the crater of Merapi. Petruk beliefs about the transition could not be separated from the history of the Hindu Majapahit to Islam Demak. Communities around Merapi as a figure believed Petruk Sabdo Palon lolo carrying the King of Majapahit Barawijaya adviser V.

At the end of the heyday of Majapahit and the inclusion of Demak, UB V choose dwells on Mount Lawu which lies on the border of Central Java and East Java. This is done because he refused to convert to Islam.

So Sabdo Palon also chose to follow the referendum the king, only he did not come to the Mount Merapi volcano Lawu but as a place to stay. As a warning against political opponents who were in power at that time, he took an oath that the future ruler of the country will claim the promise of amanahnya welfare of the people.

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