Rabu, 16 November 2011

piranha fish-mouthed two

piranha fish-mouthed two
Piranha fish that has a Latin name Pygocentrus nattereri, is one type of small omnivor fish, which live in fresh water. This fish comes from the rivers in the Amazon river basin, and spread up the river northeastern Brazil, and Paraguay river basins, Paranai and Essequibo, in South America and the Red Sea.

This fish has a lot of front teeth are very sharp and somewhat meetings that used to eat the prey. This structure is capable of skinning meat or carcasses of prey animals in the water. This fish has a very strong sense of smell like fish jerung. This fish is also fond of blood.

Piranha is a type of animal colonies. They live in large numbers to hundreds of birds. The more the herd the more aggressive fish prey Piranha food. In terms of finding prey, Fish Piranha collectively hunt and eat the prey with them together anyway.

Although they are small, they are very fierce. They just took less than a minute to spend just a baby stork who want to learn to fly.

Piranha fish including freshwater fish most vicious and most dangerous. Piranha fish are easily lured by the smell of blood and fear. Although size is not too big, but the piranha fish capable of tearing a horse in a matter of few minutes, until the remaining bones. Of the many kinds of piranha fish, the most dangerous is the kind of Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are found in large rivers in South America.

Piranha fish in general have mixed orange-red belly, the more mature, the color of the increasingly sharp While the young silvery with dark spots. There are also types of piranhas are dark gray-black. Piranha fish can reach sizes of 33 cm with a weight of 3.5 kg. One species of fish that has a physical form similar to the piranha-fish pomfret and indeed they are still a family close.

Because of its ferocious piranha fish in bans on imports into many countries, because of feared harm people who use the river for day to day needs. To maintain the piranha fish, the hobbyist must provide a special place. Piranha can not be mixed with other fish species.

The size of aquarium should also be large due to hold a lot of fish. Usually aquarium plants and roots were similar to the mixtures so that the condition of Amazonian swamp. Piranha prefer aquarium in direct sunlight.

Accustomed to eating piranha fish live food such as fish, insects, worms, and crustaceans. There are times when hobbyists give greater food are like lizards, birds and geckos, because they want to watch the fish malignancy. Piranha fish capable of sensing the opponent of the movement and the ripple of water and odors. It is called the lateral line sensory system.

That's why if a prey is torn and bleeding, a shoal of fish piranhas will increasingly come to close. A bison that crossed the river Amazon Piranha could be stuck into the herd and may be less than half an hour. Native Indian tribes who have a high courage chose passed away when the river is inhabited by piranha fish piranha fish and they dub as the devil fish.

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