Selasa, 06 November 2012

Crying stone

Crying stone
Some time ago, the residents of Kampung Pananjung, Tarogong Kaler, Garut, West Java, had found the stone that resemble a human face. Initially, the stone was thought to be relics of the prehistoric.

Department of Culture and Tourism, Garut, West Java, and then investigate. Finally they said, finding a large stone with carvings resembling a human face is not made ​​by ancient humans, but natural factors.

"I have reviewed the site and saw that the stone straight and I guess due to natural factors, not made by man," said Head of Culture and Antiquities, Department of Culture and Tourism, Garut, Warjita in Garut, Sunday (14/10/2012 ).

According to Reuters news, today, the stone is the result vomit Thunder Mountain between 18th and 19th centuries. Stone diameter was about 2 meters. Stones have a surface resembling two eyes, a nose and a mouth that looks like a human face.

Residents call it "crying rock". Why, in 2009 and 2011, residents found that the stone out of water.

Although it is considered unique by the people, Warjita say that it is actually natural. "So there was no element of carvings made ​​or human actions on the previous day," said Warjita.

Factors that reinforce the conclusion that the stone is a natural phenomenon is the lack of other objects that have historical value in the vicinity. The stone is a new look after residents drain a pond for agriculture.

According warjita, the stone is actually not very similar to a human face.

Such a view of Mercury's crater-like Mickey Mouse, the notion of similarity stone with a human face can be regarded as pareidolia. The human brain stores memories of specific form and shape. Humans can judge that a particular object has similarities with what he imagined.

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