Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

A fish 'quadruped' found in the ocean at depths over

A fish 'quadruped' found in the ocean at depths over 500 meters in areas near the waters of Indonesia Sangihe Talaud, reported an overnight akhbar.Foot fish fins but it's actually during he was in the sea floor, these fins act like legs to compensate... READ...
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Frogs have two twelve foot

This is the Seven Legged Frog and the Five Legged [WOW !!].. Frogs have two twelve foot .. Two Frogs with 12 limb systems .. waaakakakk .. where the really big toad again in size .. hihihihihi .. horror also yaaaa .. he said mutated due to water pollution... READ...
READ MORE - Frogs have two twelve foot

one unique chicken

There are generally four chicken fingers, but different from this one unique chicken. In Kabupaten Sampang, Madura, East Java, there is a village which has a five fingered chickens and maintained by local residents.Amazingly, the chickens are known... READ...
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Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

phenomenon of birds flying

phenomenon of birds flyingIf we lived in the state 4 seasons, then the autumn, will look entourage geese flying south for the winter. The geese are flying in formation shape of the letter "V". We'll look at some scientific facts why geese fly in formation... READ...
READ MORE - phenomenon of birds flying

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Tsunami-altitude 3 meters back toward the coast in northeastern Japan and is ready to threaten at any time

Tokyo - The death toll from a magnitude 8.9 quake was followed by the great tsunami in Japan continues to grow. It is estimated, more than 1,000 people died in this natural disaster.As quoted by Reuters from the Japanese news agency, Kyodo, now there... READ...
READ MORE - Tsunami-altitude 3 meters back toward the coast in northeastern Japan and is ready to threaten at any time