Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

carrion flower

carrion flowerI find any of these creatures in Situ Lembang, Bandung .. in the midst of pine forests that already eradicated the vegetation under it for wanting to make garden coffee.Anyone know what this is?I also do not know. May need to be taken... READ...
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albatrossBird is a member of the group of vertebrate animals (vertebrates) that has feathers and wings. The oldest bird fossil found in Germany and known as Archaeopteryx.The types of birds are so varied, ranging from tiny hummingbirds to ostriches,... READ...
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Tornado weather

Tornado weather phenomenon that is so famous that almost everyone has at least heard of them. A horrible, black lines the road winding down from the sky above the ground, completely indifferent to everything that lives on the street. In fact, a tornado... READ...
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frogs eating snakes

frogs eating snakesCamera caught a frog eating a snake in China. Amazing rare natural phenomenon that can be captured by the camera. Because the common is a snake eating a frog and not vice versa.Photos of mountain frog that was eating rattlesnake Jerdon,... READ...
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Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Giant Salamander

Get to Know Giant SalamandersThe IUCN lists Japanese giant salamanders as near-threatened.Japanese giant salamanders live in cold mountain streams and rivers on Kyushu Island and western Honshu in Japan.Japanese giant salamanders and Chinese giant salamanders... READ...
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The aye-aye is found exclusively in Madagascar. Situated to the southeast of Africa and separated from the continent by the 800 km-wide (497 mi) Mozambique Channel, the island of Madagascar is in the Indian Ocean and is the fourth largest island in... READ...
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The Axolotl (or ajolote) is the best-known of the Mexican neotenic mole salamanders belonging to the Tiger Salamander complex. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled. Their heads are wide, and their... READ...
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animal sea pig

animal sea pig The Sea Pig in name alone sounds like a creature worth checking out. Maybe it’s a gluttonous finned fatbody or some sort of nutty offshoot of a walrus. But it isn’t. It’s a thing that moves around like it just burst out of Wilford Brimley... READ...
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Lele Reversed

Lele ReversedAs the name implies, fish from Africa is often found swimming in the circumstances upside down. It is estimated that they do this so they can reach food at the water surface, such as insect eggs. Their body color is also upside down,... READ...
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whip scorpion

whip scorpionScary arachnid has pedipalus (clamp) large and "whip" on the edge of their abdomen. Even more frightening is that these animals can spray a variety of chemicals from their abdomen, including formic acid (formic acid) (CH2O2), a mixture... READ...
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spider sea

Animal that looks like a spider sea living in different depths in the ocean. The most distinguishing characteristics other than their home is a big foot (when compared to the body). They have no respiratory system, but use diffusion to survive.... READ...
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The world's largest arthropods, large crab has legs that can reach 4 meters in length (13 stiff) and weighs 20 kilograms (44 pounds). They can also live thousands of years. createSummaryAndThumb("summary4718161603505253493... READ MORE - arthrop...
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king Heriang

king HeriangHeriang bird is usually seen as a black bird, ugly and boring. However, King Heriang is a colorful animals. His body is white on top and white on the bottom, his head covered with a variety of colors ranging from red, orange and yellow... READ...
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Giant squid

"When a trawl net that emerged from the water, I saw something big in it, very big," said Anthony Martinez, water mammal researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.Researchers who are actually researching the type of food... READ...
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Octopus (Octopus, Architeuthis Dux) North Pacific giant (Octopus dofleini) is one of the largest sea creatures in the Pacific north and northwest, Aleutian Islands - Japan to southern California - Alaska.Weight 10kg - 50kg (22-110lbs) long and 3-5... READ...
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cow wolf

cow wolfIn the hamlet where I live is in Kalipenten, Kaliagung, Sentolo Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta in hebohkan with the birth of the calf or bull-like Son Wolf (I think personally) but the more people think like Dracula.Please note this Berkut photo,... READ...
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PETCO Park - San Diego, CaliforniaCape Town stadium, South AfricaPenn State’s Beaver StadiumGillette Stadium - Foxborough, MassThe stadium is a building that is generally used to organize sporting events and concerts, in which there is a field or a... READ...
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Snow is water

Snow is water that falls from clouds that have frozen into a solid and like the rain. Snow consists of particles of water vapor which then cools the air above (see the atmosphere, biosphere, climate, meteorology, weather) falls to earth as a piece soft,... READ...
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Mountain goats

If my friend inumarulez live in the mountains around North America, you can find a lot of mountain goats at 13,000 feet above sea level, which was rock-climbing - climbing the mountain looking for food a day - day. This animal probably the coolest animal... READ...
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bear Water

bear WaterSmall animal like a caterpillar is one of the greatest living creature that ever existed. They can live almost anywhere, ranging from hot springs to polar regions. Amazingly, they can get into cryonic state (state of very low temperature)... READ...
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Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Anak Krakatau

Anak Krakatau is perilously perched on the flank of the 1883 caldera. It is possible that the main threat posed by Anak Krakatau at the present time could be the generation of tsumanis by failure of parts of the SW flank. It is suggested that a small... READ...
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