Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

ghosts evil plan

The ghosts don’t have an evil plan. They just don’t want to be alone. Ghost theme is that we live alone, and remain alone after death. There are no happy endings, and even the closest of people can never truly connect. Each person is an individual,... READ...
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have you ever go to the forest. yes some times forest is really scary, thre some thing that make us scary which is appear and looked like a ghost. Gendruwo ghost, much to the delight of my children and my cats. Woe to the lizard who gets anywhere near... READ...
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Delicate creature a frightening picture, delicate creatures. ghosts, spooky ghosts, spirits mystery, haunted, scary ghosts, spooky stories, horror films, spooky ghost stories, ghost stories, creature smooth image, spirit photos, ghost songs,... READ...

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Tadpole rain in Ishikawa, Japan

Tadpole rain in Ishikawa, Japan In June 2009, ahead of the rainy season, the Japanese Ishikawa tadpoles fall from the sky in abundance. Which makes wonder in this area is not the case a tornado or strong winds that can lift the fish and other water... READ...
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Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Crabs are decapod crustacean

Crabs are decapod crustacean animal member of infraordo brachyura, which is known to have a "tail" which is very short (Greek: brachy = short, ura = tail), or the stomach (abdomen) was hidden under the chest (thorax). Crab's body is protected by... READ...
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Cat Puss caterpillar

Cat Puss caterpillar or caterpillar is the most poisonous caterpillar in the United States. the toxin found in spines hidden among his hair. These hairy caterpillars can be found in the southern states of America, ranging from the most northern Texas... READ...
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elephant to climb a tree

THERE cameras caught a young elephant to climb a tree in Sri Lanka during a flood. Can an elephant up a tree? Truly a powerful force that arises when pressed. A 18-ft tall trees on the banks of the river Galoya and seen an elephant on top of the tree... READ...
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Alien Photos in China

Alien Photos in China. Strange creatures that have faces like aliens were found in Henan Province, China. The creature had made ​​the Chinese police did not believe it when I heard a report from a housewife on the creature. createSummaryAndThumb("... READ...
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Photo apparition Canada

Faces in the Clouds Photo apparition Canada. The phenomenon of the appearance of a cloud that resembles a human face is happening in the heavens City Grand Falls, Canada. This natural phenomenon is inadvertently captured in the video Denis Farmer.... READ...
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tree house

Trees are an important component of the incredible natural scenery and living organisms that provide shelter, food, warmth and protection to all living beings. Although trees in general, as usual, but there are some exceptional specimens of trees... READ...
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Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


Shrews are very small mammals, in fact, two (2) of the shrew species represent the smallest mammals on earth! Of the four (4) families, Desert, Red-toothed, Short-tailed, and Small-eared shrews, the largest animals are represented by the Northern... READ...
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saiga atelope

saiga atelope is a very curious looking animal. It is recognizable by an extremely unusual, over-sized, and flexible, nose. Its internal structure is composed of an intricate network of bones, hairs and mucous-secreting glands. During summer migrations... READ...
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Patagonian Cavy

Guinea pig (Patagonian Cavy) rats, looks a bit like a rabbit, but also a bit like a donkey. Living in Argentina and Central and South-arid and desert grass. Food Habits Patagonian cavies eat almost any vegetation but prefer grasses and herbs. Reproduction Patagonian... READ...
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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011


Jenglot, mysterious creatures of Indonesia is a strange phenomenon that began to spread in the community in 1997an. Jenglot is an object / creature (I have problems deciding whether the object or creature) who form a small man with a body no more than... READ...
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5 strange food in the world

5 strange food in the worldIt turns out the food in this world is very diverse, of course, various types of food is due to the different places, cultures, etc., to pull back a lot of strange foods in this world, surely this is sifatnay subjective. so... READ...
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Strange sightings face in Ancol

Strange sightings face in AncolReaders who've been to Taman Wisata Ancol or Sea World would know the location of this photo. Precisely at the bottom of the entrance gate there is a cable that spray cooling steam for the visitors when the weather is... READ...
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Pursue Horses Dogs

Pursue Horses DogsGerman Shepherd Dog bites a horse chasing10-month international online reports: often hear that the "dog biting a horse," but you've heard of "horse bites dog"? Frankfurt, Germany a few days ago is rare in the scene: the tame horses... READ...
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