Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera Louisiana ForestOn December 10, 2010, a deer hunter was surprised when he was checking his camera to monitor the activity of pairs of deer in the woods of Louisiana. Camera mounted in the evening is capture the...
Minggu, 27 November 2011
Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera Louisiana Forest
hole in Guatemala

hole in GuatemalaThe history of Guatemala is often recognized in three stages: the Mayan Empire, Spanish rule, and the modern republic (which is in existence today). All three have had an influence on Guatemalan cuisine. The ancient Mayan civilization...
Jumat, 18 November 2011
phenomenon cow

phenomenon cowCattle livestock is livestock and subfamilia member families Bovidae Bovinae. Cows kept mainly for milk and meat used as food. The byproduct, such as skin, viscera, and then used its horns as well. In some places, cattle are also used...
Rabu, 16 November 2011
piranha fish-mouthed two

piranha fish-mouthed twoPiranha fish that has a Latin name Pygocentrus nattereri, is one type of small omnivor fish, which live in fresh water. This fish comes from the rivers in the Amazon river basin, and spread up the river northeastern Brazil, and...
The existence of the spirits around

The existence of the spirits around us may be the very thing that we can not ignore. Various phenomena occurring in our environment can only be a sign that the existence of spirits exist. The question is, how exactly delicate creatures that show us...
Seven Legged Goat Born in Gresik

Seven Legged Goat Born in Gresik - When the previous posts on this blog has been published about the strange-faced cow in Kebumen, this time a goat is no less strange to have been born in Gresik, on Friday (30.09.2011) at 14.00 yesterday. Safe pair...
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
Wien oscillator circuit

Wien oscillator circuit is in my opinion one of the oscillator circuit is quite simple. Only by using a single Op-Amp IC and some resistors and capacitors and two diodes. You can use a 5 volt zener diode to the second zener diode above. So you can make...
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
Phenomenon hello sun

This Phenomenon hello sun is in fact tantamount to the formation of a rainbow in the morning or late afternoon after a rain. rainbow arch is often seen at the bottom of the horizon because the particles of water vapor that deflect sunlight gathered...
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Bowling Green

Bowling GreenKentucky Trimodal Transpark construction plans immediately canceled the event of ground subsidence of 200 feet in Bowling Green, Kentucky. In this area is known sinkhole-prone land and every time something like this could happen again....
Montrose Avenue sinkhole

Montrose Avenue sinkholeLand sinkhole 80 feet wide with a depth of 15 feet occurred in the middle of Montrose Avenue. The highway was eventually shut down for two weeks in early January of last year. Fortunately no casualties because of this incide...

DaisettaIn Daisetta, Texas has recently (May 2008), preceded by collapse land 20 feet wide in a residential area, be expanded to 900 feet with a depth of 100 feet in a day and swallow the telephone poles, buildings and vehicles. Local authorities have...
Merapi Petruk

Photo of Mount Merapi Petruk Cloud Phenomenon New Magic. Strange Clouds Similar incidence figures Puppet Petruk Truly Unique Heat Formed From the Clouds of Mount Merapi (Wedhus Gembel). Does this figure of supernatural guardian of Mount Merapi, a strange...
Saola Size

Saola are distributed in scattered locations in the Annamites, along the northwest-southeast Vietnam - Lao border. In Vietnam, the species is distributed from the Ca River in the north to Quang Nam province in the south, but its exact limits are not...
Sabtu, 24 September 2011
planet Earth

This photograph is a photograph of planet Earth taken from outer space first. Many people refer to it as the most influential environmental photograph ever taken. Taken on Christmas Eve 1968, by the crew of Apollo 8, William Anders. This photo reminds...
monster legend

Lochness monster legend in Scotland actually been circulating since the first century, but not before the image above printed and circulated, a false story was spread all over the world. This photo was responsible for dozens of years of speculation,...
sea slugs

It seems that this sea slug creature whose body is half the first half of flora fauna. Because this newly discovered snail can produce pigment chlorophyll like plants. Scientists estimate this cleverly stealing snail genes from the algae they eat so...
Selasa, 20 September 2011
Headed frog

Headed frogAfrican frog gets its name from the side skin structure similar to male hair. Hair is used to increase the rate of the frog to absorb oxygen, because males spent a long time to keep the eggs. Another impressive fact of this frog is that they...
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
ghosts evil plan

The ghosts don’t have an evil plan. They just don’t want to be alone. Ghost theme is that we live alone, and remain alone after death. There are no happy endings, and even the closest of people can never truly connect. Each person is an individual,...

have you ever go to the forest. yes some times forest is really scary, thre some thing that make us scary which is appear and looked like a ghost. Gendruwo ghost, much to the delight of my children and my cats. Woe to the lizard who gets anywhere near...

Delicate creature a frightening picture, delicate creatures. ghosts, spooky ghosts, spirits mystery, haunted, scary ghosts, spooky stories, horror films, spooky ghost stories, ghost stories, creature smooth image, spirit photos, ghost songs,...
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011
Tadpole rain in Ishikawa, Japan

Tadpole rain in Ishikawa, Japan
In June 2009, ahead of the rainy season, the Japanese Ishikawa tadpoles fall from the sky in abundance. Which makes wonder in this area is not the case a tornado or strong winds that can lift the fish and other water...
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
Crabs are decapod crustacean

Crabs are decapod crustacean animal member of infraordo brachyura, which is known to have a "tail" which is very short (Greek: brachy = short, ura = tail), or the stomach (abdomen) was hidden under the chest (thorax).
Crab's body is protected by...
Cat Puss caterpillar

Cat Puss caterpillar or caterpillar is the most poisonous caterpillar in the United States. the toxin found in spines hidden among his hair. These hairy caterpillars can be found in the southern states of America, ranging from the most northern Texas...
elephant to climb a tree

THERE cameras caught a young elephant to climb a tree in Sri Lanka during a flood. Can an elephant up a tree? Truly a powerful force that arises when pressed. A 18-ft tall trees on the banks of the river Galoya and seen an elephant on top of the tree...
Alien Photos in China

Alien Photos in China. Strange creatures that have faces like aliens were found in Henan Province, China. The creature had made the Chinese police did not believe it when I heard a report from a housewife on the creature.
Photo apparition Canada

Faces in the Clouds Photo apparition Canada. The phenomenon of the appearance of a cloud that resembles a human face is happening in the heavens City Grand Falls, Canada. This natural phenomenon is inadvertently captured in the video Denis Farmer....
tree house

Trees are an important component of the incredible natural scenery and living organisms that provide shelter, food, warmth and protection to all living beings.
Although trees in general, as usual, but there are some exceptional specimens of trees...
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Shrews are very small mammals, in fact, two (2) of the shrew species represent the smallest mammals on earth! Of the four (4) families, Desert, Red-toothed, Short-tailed, and Small-eared shrews, the largest animals are represented by the Northern...
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