Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Long drooping Jerboa

World in some strange animals, weird way to make sure that you can not expect to read, do not believe it, see below. Long drooping Mouse (Long drooping Jerboa) of this desert, "Mickey Mouse", a very long tail, mainly used to jump back. He was found... READ...
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Giant Catfish

Giant CatfishThis freshwater catfish, native to tropical waters of Africa. With the ability to generate electricity up to 350 volts which is roughly the same amount needed to power a computer for 45 minutes - the fish is better prepared to ward off... READ...
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Mini Hedgehogs

Mini HedgehogsIncluding members of the order monotreme, prickly animals have elongated snout that serves both as mouth and nose. This is the same muzzle that also sends electrical signals which help them to find insects for in gusto. Electroreceptive... READ...
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Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead SharkWith hundreds of thousands of organ electrorecptor (called Ampullae of Lorenzini) in their bodies, this shark became the only shark that has the greatest electrical sensitivity that can detect signals from half a billion volts of other... READ...
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Electric Slug

Electric SlugLike the electric eel, this animal, also able to control the voltage in each electric charge in his body. Production organs located on either side of the head and put together anywhere from eight to 220 volts. There are 69 species of rays... READ...
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Elephant Fish

Elephant FishFound around rivers in western and central Africa, this fish is dark funky. Trunk like protrusion of the head (which is not like the elephant, the mouth is actually more than the nose). Elephantnose equipped with specialized organs that... READ...
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A pig gave birth to a child complete with elephant-like trunk

Community Anhui, China tantrum! A pig gave birth to a child complete with elephant-like trunk. What happened? This anomaly immediately spread to all corners, and oarng also come in droves to see the strangeness of it /Like most puppies, the baby pig... READ...
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Four People Arrested tuyul North Grogol

Four People Arrested tuyul North GrogolJAKARTA - Residents in the area of ​​North Grogol mendadah excited. One of the residents who live in island row house on the street rose, RT 04/08, North Grogol Village, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta managed to... READ...
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Evolution Legged Snake Found in China

Evolution Legged Snake Found in ChinaA snake with a single claw foot have been found in China, according to the report. Qiongxiu Dean, 66, said he found the reptile stick to his bedroom wall with a claw in the middle of the night.'I woke up and heard... READ...
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Giant Frog and Rat Snake Predators

Giant Frog and Rat Snake PredatorsFrogs are commonly seen in Indonesia, no larger than mice. But there are frogs that weighed about 4 pounds or 2 pounds. That Frog African living in Mozambique.As released the Sun (3 / 11), a photo of this giant frog... READ...
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There Strange Banana in Jambi

There Strange Banana in JambiJAMBI-Subhanallah, a shredded banana trunk and pop up a banana bunches. The emergence of a bunch of bananas was not unusual because usually located at the top of the stem.Inevitably, banana stems Mahrum property, residents... READ...
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Terrible Appearance during a fire in the Ramayana

Terrible Appearance during a fire in the Ramayana (2/4/2010)In addition to bring a picture of the face, the fire that burned the building Kebayoran Market Ramayana also form other shapes are completely different from the form of faces that appeared... READ...
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Pari Fish Wonderful World's Largest

Pari Fish Wonderful World's LargestA giant stingrays stingray species that was captured in Thailand was claimed to be the largest freshwater fish. Why not, only an estimated weight of 450 kg, or almost half a ton.Wide expanse of his body about 2 meters... READ...
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Feeling Himself chicken Penguin

Feeling Himself chicken PenguinJIANGSU - This is Mumble, chicken from China who thinks he is a penguin. Rather than scrape the ground looking for food and roost in the barn, he even walked like a penguin.The owner Xi Lu, raising of small chicken. 'He... READ...
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FosilIn October 2005, a giantology named Eric Belson tells of a Dutchman named Casper Shilling archaeologist who discovered the skeleton of a giant creature emerged from his grave after a massive earthquake struck the city of Bam, Iran. This story became... READ...

Root Bridge Unique There In Indonesia

Root Bridge Unique There In IndonesiaWho came on tourist root bridge must have will be amazed, who does not admire the two roots of trees whose roots are connected across the river into a bridge that can be passed 10 people. This is now a tourist attraction... READ...
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Here are the names of the man who dubbed the giant because of his height a fantastic world

Here are the names of the man who dubbed the giant because of his height a fantastic world that never existed throughout history, among them some are still alive today ...1.Robert Wadlow, 8 '11.1 "Must have the know with a giant dong this one, yesterday... READ...
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Are ALIENS It Exist?

Are ALIENS It Exist?aliens are a fictional extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator science fiction franchises, with their characteristic head hunting trophies of species to be harmful only for sport, including human and alien .New there are... READ...

Mummified cat in the wall of Old Houses

Mummified cat in the wall of Old HousesMummified cat found inside the walls of this old house kira2 aged 400 years ago ... Perhaps the first made ​​for talismans.Cat is a kind of carnivore. The word "cat" usually refers to the "cat"that has been tamed,... READ...
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Strange Grasshopper

Strange GrasshopperGrasshoppers are herbivorous insects of the suborder Caelifera in the order Orthoptera. Insects have antennae shorter than his body and also has a short ovipositor. Sound generated several species of grasshoppers are usually produced... READ...
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Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Change cat is a kind

Change cat is a kind of a new carnivore found in Borneo. Larger than the ordinary cat, has red hair, long tail, and front legs are longer than the hind legs like a frog. This animal-like blend of cats and foxes. createSummaryAndThumb("summary351874... READ...
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Ahool is a giant bat

Ahool is a giant batSized wing span of more than 7 feet. This animal was never seen around Java. These animals are believed to still exist in the cave cave. And these animals are usually flying at above-average bat normally. For more about these animals... READ...
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Sniper Cat

Sniper CatCats are the most beautiful creature in the world. They are the most beloved pets in the household and the environment. Cats, also known as the domestic cat or Housecat to distinguish it from other cats and felids, are carnivorous mammals.A... READ...
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Red Lizard

Red LizardWith the skin red and blue, make this lizard is very similar to the superhero Spider-man. These lizards are found in Kenya, people there called it the Agamas mwanzae or lizard spiderman.Exotic and fashionable, that these lizards. Many people... READ...
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