Goats are ruminant animals are of medium size. Livestock goats (Capra hircus aegagrus) is a subspecies of wild goats that are naturally spread in Southwest Asia (region "fertile crescent" and Turkey) and Europe. Male and female wild goats have a pair of horns, but horns on goats is greater. Generally, goats have beards, convex forehead, tail slightly upward, and most straight-haired and rough. Wild goat's body length, not including the tail, is 1.3 meters - 1.4 meters, while the tail 12 inches - 15 inches. Female weight 50 kilograms - 55 kilograms, while males can reach 120 kilograms. Wild goat from Spain spread eastward to India and from India to the north to Mongolia and Siberia. Its preferred habitat is an area of rocky mountains.
Goats have cultivated man approximately 8000 until 9000 years ago. In the wild, goats live in groups of 5 to 20 fish. In pengembaraannnya looking for food, goat group is led by the oldest female goats, while sheep-goat herd role maintaining security. Actively looking for meal time day or night. Its main food is grass and leaves.
Goats differ from sheep.
Goats in trees can be found in Morocco. These goats climb trees to eat the fruit of the argan tree, similar to olive fruit. The local farmers used to follow this goat flocks as they move from one tree to another. Not because they want to see this oddity, but rather trying to get the bean seeds from the remaining fruits that normally do not participate eaten by goats. Each bean contains 1 to 3 seeds that can be used to make argan oil and other cosmetic ingredients. This oil has been used by people for hundreds of years, but slowly more and more difficult to find argan trees from the wood that is often looted and also due to act of the goats are destroying climber.
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